Paul Caster: Reunion in Hell
Now on sale! Was $25, now only $15!
Artist Paul Caster has carried on a long love affair with Mozart's music, especially the opera Don Giovanni. When he read the dramatic parable Don Juan in Hell—suggested to George Bernard Shaw by Mozart's Don Giovanni—it triggered in him a flow of visions that resulted in this collection. Caster's drawings are not merely literal visualizations of Shaw's text, but rather are inventions based on ideas and implications that present themselves in the play and opera. Harold Huber Includes a brief summary of Shaw's work followed by 31 full-page, full-color plates of Caster's drawings.
Caster is a retired professor from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, and has work in the collection of the Racine Art Museum.
11 x 8 1/2 inches
©1983 Perimeter Press